June 10, 2015

Eating fruit is a great way to treat yourself while still staying healthy! Fruit contains many of the nutrients that are essential in our diets such as potassium, vitamin C, dietary fiber, and folic acid. Fruit is not only great for our body's it also has various benefits for hair! The nutrients found in fruit keeps our hair looking super shiny and healthy year round! Several fruits have antioxidents that help with circulation to the scalp aiding in hair growth. The "secret" ingredient so do say in certain fruits is Biotin. Biotin is known for helping with natural growth in nails and hair. Overall, fruit is not only yummy to snack on but it's also a great ingredient for DIY hair masks! We have done some research and came up with a few fun and fruity hair masks that you can make at home that will help keep your hair healthy this summer!


  1. The Banana Split: Bananas are a great fruit to use when making a hair mask because they are rich in vitamins and various oils. Using bananas in this mask will help to give your hair shine and moisture. Since the weather is getting warmer, the sun might be starting to dry out your hair. If your hair is lacking of moisture then this banana hair mask will definitely help!



  • Banana
  • Almond oil
  • Egg
  • Lemon Juice


Let's Get Started!


First you want to smash up 1 banana. Then, add in just a few drops of almond oil while mixing. Apply this and leave it on your hair for about 20 minutes. After, wash the mask out of your hair and start on the second half of this fruity mask! Take two bananas and smash them up in a bowl. Add in 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and mix! Apply this mixture onto your scalp for another 20 minutes then wash out. This two-step procedure nourishes to regain healthy hair!

​2. Orange Creamsicle: Oranges are not only a super refreshing snack but they help give your hair shine, improve scalp quality and control dandruff! This next mask is the perfect tangy snack for your hair!



  • Orange juice
  • Lime juice
  • Water
  • Yogurt

Lets Get Started!


Take a cup of orange juice and combine it with a equal amount of yogurt. Add in 4 tablespoons of lime juice, then mix. Apply this mixture to your scalp for only one hour then wash your hair!

  1. Strawberry Shortcake: Strawberries are loaded with vitamin C. They help to regulate the scalp's natural pH, controls scalp oil, and of course help with glossy shiny hair!



  • 1 handful of fresh strawberries (roughly 7 for medium-length hair)
  • Coconut oil
  • Honey


Lets Get Started


Blend the strawberries, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, and 1 tablespoon of honey all together making a puree of sorts. After, apply the mixture evenly throughout damp hair. Keep the mixture in for however long, then rinse with warm water.

  1. Coconut: Coconut oil works great on dry hair! The sun will definitely be doing some damage this summer so try adding coconut oil in with olive oil. This mixture will help treat dry and damaged hair. Coconut oil provides moisturizing effects and gives your hair a soft yet thick texture. It also keeps your scalp hydrated which is perfect for the summer time!



  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil


Lets Get Started:


Mix 2 parts coconut oil and 1 part olive oil into a bowl. Massage this mixture into your scalp and through out your hair starting at the roots making your way to the ends. After, wrap your hair up in a bun and cover it with a shower cap. Let this oil sink into your hair for at least 30 minutes. Rinse your hair with water and apply your favorite shampoo and conditioner.

  1. Guava: Guava is a fruit rich in vitamin A. It promotes new hair growth and also increases the function of mucous membranes!



  • Guava
  • Honey
  • Lemon juice


Lets Get Started!


Take a ripe guava and mash it while adding in a few drops of honey and lemon juice. Mix and then apply on hair. Leave the mask on for about 15 minutes then shampoo!

  1. Peaches: If your scalp has gotten burnt this summer then this mask if perfect for you! Peaches mixed with yogurt is a great cure for a dry and itchy scalp!



  • Peach
  • Yogurt


Lets Get Started!


Mash a few peaches up, then add in beaten yogurt. Apply this combination to you hair letting it sit for 20-25 minutes. Rinse this out with cold water and then apply shampoo.

We'd love to hear about any hair masks that you've made or read about so let us know in the comments!